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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth

World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth
Cochabamba, Bolivia, April 19 to 22, 2010

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Online discussions are being carried out to develop draft proposals that will serve as the basis of debate at the conference. All those registered may participate.

In solidarity with this global gathering and in celebration of Earth Day, JS APMDD and the Right to Essential Services and Natural Resources urge all its members and friends to organize actions on this day and use this occasion in raising our demands for climate justice and opposition to water and power privatization projects that exacerbate climate change.  Through these actions, we will put forward the following demands:

1. For North countries to give full reparations for the ecological debt and climate debt they owe to the South.

2. For North countries to undertake deep, drastic cuts of GHG emissions through domestic measures.

3. Southern nations to assert their right to develop and meet the needs of its people through a system that is ecologically sound, just, equitable and democratic.

4. End the policies, operations and projects of IFIs that exacerbate climate change, including water and power projects. Stop IFIs, especially the WB and regional development banks, from claiming major roles in addressing the climate crisis and using it to push more privatization projects.

5. For all governments to recognize and ensure peoples’ rights and access to sufficient, affordable, clean, quality water and adequate, reliable, affordable, safe, clean and sustainable power services and energy.

6. For all governments to recognize that the use of very critical ecological and environmental resources in water and power services necessitate that these services remain under the public domain and protected from intrusion by corporations.

7. Cancel all illegitimate debts claimed from the South as a matter of justice and as a major step towards enabling countries to deal with the economic and climate crises.

We will give prominence to the following calls:




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