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Monday, March 29, 2010

Wonder if the BC Government Is LIstening?

THE Salmon & Trout Association (S&TA) has published a summary report on scientific studies into the environmental impact of current salmon farming operations.

The organisation says it reveals a devastating catalogue of malpractice in the way salmon farming is impacting wild salmon, sea trout and the marine environment, and provides incontrovertible proof that it is a sword of Damocles suspended over some of Scotland’s most iconic natural resources. It accuses the multi-million pound salmon farming industry of precipitating an environmental disaster, and calls for a nine-point survival plan to be actioned immediately.

The report’s main findings claim that:
Fish farm parasites can kill young wild salmon and sea trout
•Salmon farming could force wild salmon into extinction
•Salmon farming sewage can poison the sea bed

Paul Knight, CEO of the S&TA, states: “Aquaculture practiced sustainably can offer enormous benefits to mankind and significantly reduce the pressure on our precious wild oceanic stocks. But the scientific literature unequivocally demonstrates that fish farms, as presently constructed and operated, are having a disastrous impact on native fisheries, the wider environment and the many public benefits associated with it.
How many million fish went missing in the sockeye run last year?  Perhaps we should stop permitting fish farming in open net pens and do something about climate change which warms the waters the salmon return to.  Please send Gordon Campbell a letter on farmed salmon requesting that the provincial government shut down open net pens.  One could alos stop eating farmed salmon.

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