I blog about environmental and social justice issues because I am very concerned about the health of the interdependent web of life of which we are a part.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

BC Government's Position on Climate Change

From the above site:
Future Climate Change and Impacts in British Columbia
The rate of global warming projected for the 21st century is much faster than observed changes during the 20th century, and likely faster than at any time during the past 10,000 years. The actual rate of warming will depend on how fast greenhouse gases continue to accumulate in the atmosphere, and how the climate system responds. Although climate change appears to be gradual at the global scale, atmospheric warming may in future trigger abrupt changes in regional climate. For this reason, past trends do not necessarily predict how biophysical systems will respond in future.
The best available science suggests that the impacts for B.C. in the 21st century will include:
•a 2-5 0C increase in average annual temperature;
•increased river flood risks in the spring and coastal flooding associated with storm surges;
•glacial retreat in the south; reduced winter snow pack and earlier snowmelt; contributing to reduced summer water supply; and
•increased stress on species at risk; shifts in the geographical range of vegetation, including economically important forest species;
increased river temperatures and stress on salmon; and
•reduced summer soil moisture and increase in forest fire risk.
Water Resources: Rising air temperatures will reduce the amount of precipitation that falls as snow in the winter and in the mountain regions, resulting in lower river levels during the dry summer period. Higher temperatures in the summer will increase the need for water — for people, aquatic life, and irrigation in agriculture. What’s more, the increased heat will heighten the evaporation of water, leading to water loss. This will make it even harder to ensure adequate water supplies.
It may be a good idea to get accustomed to conserving water now!

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